The 5 Things That New Moms Should Know About Breastfeeding – pristinebirth

The 5 Things That New Moms Should Know About Breastfeeding


When it comes to taking care of your infant, there are a lot of choices new mothers need to make. One of the most important is whether or not to breastfeed your baby. Whether you’ve already made the decision or you’re still on the fence, the more knowledge you have, the easier it will be. Here are the top 5 things all new moms should know about breastfeeding.

1. Breastfeeding Doesn’t Always Come Naturally
Although breastfeeding is perfectly natural, and something women have been doing since the beginning of time, don’t expect it to happen without any difficulty. Remember that this is the first time you’ve ever breastfed, and the first time your baby has ever eaten anything. There’s bound to be a learning curve, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you hit some bumps along the road. Be patient, try not to get discouraged, and ask for help when you need it.

2. It’s One of the Healthiest Things You Can Do for Your Baby
Although it may take some effort to master, the health benefits of breastfeeding make everything worth it. When you breastfeed your newborn, you pass along antibodies that she can’t get anywhere else. Breastfed babies have fewer colds, fewer sinus and ear infections, less diarrhea and constipation, and are less likely to develop allergies.
Breast milk also has the perfect mix of protein, fat, and vitamins, ensuring your baby gets the nutrition he needs to grow strong and healthy. Breastfeeding has been linked to higher IQ scores later in life and may play a role in the prevention of SIDS.

3. Breastfeeding is Good for Moms Too
Breastfeeding your baby can bring you plenty of health benefits as well. When you breastfeed, your body releases hormones like prolactin and oxytocin which can help fight depression. It also helps to protect you against ovarian and breast cancer and encourages your uterus to contract.
Breastfeeding burns 300-500 calories a day, which can help you lose some of your baby weight. Best of all, when you nurse your newborn you’ll be taking the time to relax and focus on nothing but your baby. The close skin and eye contact also create a unique bonding experience that will stay with you for life.

4. You’ll Need to Stay as Healthy as Possible
Since you’re the food supply for your infant, it’s important that you stay as healthy as possible. You’ll want to continue taking your prenatal vitamins, stay hydrated, and eat well. Fill your diet with healthy fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and sources of calcium.
Try to get enough rest and relax whenever possible. If you’re overly stressed, your body may not produce enough milk. Avoid smoking and ask your doctor before taking any medications.

5. Your Pump Will Be Your New Best Friend
Breastfeeding moms pump milk for lots of reasons. Pumping encourages milk production and can help relieve engorgement. It allows dads to enjoy some time feeding and bonding with the baby and gives you the luxury of an occasional baby-free night out.
Working mothers can continue to breastfeed by pumping throughout the day. No matter how you choose to use it, invest in a quality breast pump. You’ll find that it’s well worth the money and will make your life much easier.

Some Final Thoughts
Don’t be surprised if breastfeeding is more difficult than you expected. Consult a doctor or lactation consultant if you’re experiencing a lot of pain or your baby isn’t gaining weight.
Whether you breastfeed for a few days, long-term, or not at all is completely up to you. More than anything, it’s important to remember that all mothers are different and you’re doing the best you can.

If you run into problems with breastfeeding or decide that it just truly isn’t for you, don’t be too hard on yourself. Choose a high-quality formula and let it go.

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